In most cars, there is a small stick coming off the left of the steering shaft. You might be familiar with it as it is often the control for the headlights. But it does have another function. It's called a turn signal. I suggest you learn how to use it. When I am trying to cross a busy street, it would be nice if that car that is slowing down is going to turn, giving me a chance to cross, or not. It is also nice when you go cruising across three lanes of traffic right in front of me as I drive down the highway.
When I am driving down the highway at 5 over the limit, it is probably not a good idea to be within ten feet of my rear bumper. If some idiot slides in front of me without signaling, I might tap my brake and then we all die. So back off a bit.
You might see occasionally a octagonal red sign with the letters STOP. This is called a stop sign. It means you are supposed to stop before continuing. Now if it is the middle of the night and no one is around, it might seem ok to not stop completely, I get that. But it is the middle of the day and there is traffic and possibly pedestrians, you might consider not trying to kill us.
There are also lights that hang over the street. When the light turns red, you are supposed to stop and NOT continue through the intersection. It does not matter that the light turned red just before you got there, you really should stop, before, say, running me over because I stupidly thought I could go while my light is green.
Also, please try to pay some attention to the road more often you pay attention to your phone and just so you know, the rear view mirror while driving down the highway is not a good time and place to apply makeup or shave.
Please try to wait and hold your coffee klatches at some point when you are not blocking traffic, ok? If it is really that important that you chat, pull off the road and let other people use the road.
But it's ok, all you have to do is flash your lights and not worry. Wait, lights? It is bad enough when civilians do it, but when police do it, it is much worse. Hardly a day goes by that I don't see a policeman blatantly ignoring the most basic traffic laws or even common sense. You should realize that any time a policeman breaks the law that he is supposed to be upholding, you make your job harder. You tell everyone who sees you that you have no respect for the law, so when you punish people for breaking the law, you are being a hypocrite and give us the impression you are nothing more than a thug with a badge who likes to harass people. If you don't respect the law, why should anyone else? When we get punished for breaking the law, we are told that we are not in trouble for breaking the law, we are only in trouble for being caught. The law is not something to protect us and guide good behavior, it is simply a tool of torture for our capricious leaders. You tell us that it is ok to be a criminal, the law doesn't matter, just don't do it in public. So is beating your wife ok, just so long you don't make a public scene out of it? You can't expect a law-abiding society when those enforcing the laws are also criminals.
I should note here that I have only talked about traffic laws, but that is only because the traffic violations are things that a lot of people do and they are visible to people everywhere. But I have seen much worse. Police that steal, physically assault people, and commit many other crimes are not uncommon. According to the Harper Index, prostitutes are only slightly more likely to be arrested by police as they are to be forced to provide services. If police can't be trusted, we can't trust much about our society and we have no reason to pay attention to the laws. And that means our society is a failure as a just society, that we are not going toward a society we can be proud of, but away from it.